Asset Object

Field Guide

The asset resource has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
id unique identifier of asset
guid globally unique identifier of asset
id1 identifier given to the asset
id2 second identifier given to the asset
accountId unique identifier of asset’s account
locationId unique identifier of asset’s location
description description of asset
createdAt date and time the asset was created unique identifier of user who created asset
createdBy.firstName first name of user who created asset
createdBy.lastName last name of user who created asset
lat the latitude coordinate of the asset
lon the longitude coordinate of the asset
latLonDate the date and time the asset’s latitude and longitude was captured
latLonAccuracyInMeters the degree of accuracy in the geographic coordinates captured (in meters)
urgentNote an asset note with noted urgency
statusId unique identifier of asset’s status
status status assigned to the asset
rowStatus status of asset (active, inactive, etc)
areaId globally unique identifier of asset’s area
areaName name of asset’s area
modifiedAt date and time asset was last updated
imageUrlLarge url of original asset image
imageUrlMedium url of medium sized asset image (approximately 150px x 150px)
imageUrlSmall url of small sized asset image (approximately 50px x 50px) unique identifier of asset’s account
account.num num given to asset’s account name of asset’s account
account.nameNum the num and name given to asset’s account join by a :
account.rowStatus the status of the asset’s account (active, inactive, etc..) unique identifier of asset’s location name of asset’s location
location.num num given to asset’s location unique identifier of asset’s classification name of asset’s classification
classification.rowStatus status of asset’s classification (active, inactive, etc..)
classification.imageUrlSmall url of small sized classification image (approximately 100px x 100px)
classification.categoryId unique identifier of asset’s classification category
classification.id1Name name used to capture asset’s id1 value
classification.id1Required whether the id1 field is required for the asset
classification.id2Name name used to capture asset’s id2 value
classification.id2Active whether the asset’s id2 field should be shown
classification.statusActive whether the asset’s status field should be shown
classificationId unique identifier of asset’s classification
attributes[] an array of asset attributes for this asset. Only returns the id, value, and classAttributeId to reference back to the attributes on this class of asset.

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