Folder Object

Field Guide

The folder object has the following attributes when listed:

Attribute Description
id unique identifier of folder
num num set on folder
description description given for folder unique identifier of folder’s folder type name of folder’s folder type
folderType.color hexadecimal color of folder’s folder type
folderType.rowStatus status of folder’s folder type (active, inactive, etc.)
createdAt date and time folder was created unique identifier of user who created folder
createdBy.firstName first name of user who created folder
createdBy.lastName last name of user who created folder
closed whether the folder is marked as closed. unique identifier of user who last closed the folder
closedBy.firstName first name of user who last closed the folder
closedBy.lastName last name of user who last closed the folder unique identifier of the folder’s account
account.num num (id) of the folder’s account name of the folder’s account unique identifier of folder’s location name of folder’s location
locationId unique identifier of folder’s location
folderTypeId unique identifier of folder’s folder type
modifiedAt date and time the folder was last modified
reference1Active if the first custom field is turned on.
reference1Label the label or heading of the first custom field setup for folders.
reference1Value the value of the first custom field setup for folders.
reference2Active if the second custom field is turned on.
reference2Label the label or heading of the second custom field setup for folders.
reference2Value the value of the second custom field setup for folders.
reference3Active if the third custom field is turned on.
reference3Label the label or heading of the third custom field setup for folders.
reference3Value the value of the third custom field setup for folders.

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