Account Object
Field Guide
The following fields are returned when listing accounts.
Attribute | Description |
id | unique identifier of account |
name | name of account |
num | num set on account |
address | address of account |
city | city of account |
state | state of account |
zip | zip of account |
country | country of account |
rowStatus | status of account (active, inactive, etc.) |
createdBy | unique identifier of user who created the account |
createdAt | date the account was created |
modifiedAt | date the account was last modified |
reference1Value | a custom field for additional values |
reference2Value | a custom field for additional values |
reference3Value | a custom field for additional values |
nameNum | account name and number joined by a colon (used for oData searching) |
guid | globally unique identifier of account |
Additional Fields
In addition to the fields above, the following fields are returned when retrieving a single Account.
Attribute | Description |
teamIds | unique identifiers of assigned teams (only included in GET account) |
{ "id": 9082, "num": "SNP190", "name": "Springfield Nuclear Plant", "address": "123 Springfield Street", "city": "Springfield", "state": "", "zip": "80982", "country": "US", "rowStatus": 1, "createdBy": "290", "createdAt": "2015-05-19T16:37:19.827Z", "modifiedAt": "2015-05-19T16:37:19.827Z", "reference1Value": "ref1value", "reference2Value": "ref2value", "reference3Value": "", "teamIds": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }