Account Object

Field Guide

The following fields are returned when listing accounts.

Attribute Description
id unique identifier of account
name name of account
num num set on account
address address of account
city city of account
state state of account
zip zip of account
country country of account
rowStatus status of account (active, inactive, etc.)
createdBy unique identifier of user who created the account
createdAt date the account was created
modifiedAt date the account was last modified
reference1Value a custom field for additional values
reference2Value a custom field for additional values
reference3Value a custom field for additional values
nameNum account name and number joined by a colon (used for oData searching)
guid globally unique identifier of account

Additional Fields

In addition to the fields above, the following fields are returned when retrieving a single Account.

Attribute Description
teamIds unique identifiers of assigned teams (only included in GET account)


        "id": 9082,
        "num": "SNP190",
        "name": "Springfield Nuclear Plant",
        "address": "123 Springfield Street",
        "city": "Springfield",
        "state": "",
        "zip": "80982",
        "country": "US",
        "rowStatus": 1,
        "createdBy": "290",
        "createdAt": "2015-05-19T16:37:19.827Z",
        "modifiedAt": "2015-05-19T16:37:19.827Z",
        "reference1Value": "ref1value",
        "reference2Value": "ref2value",
        "reference3Value": "",
        "teamIds": [

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