Activity Object
Field Guide
The following fields are returned when listing activities.
Attribute | Description |
id | unique identifier of activity | | unique identifier of activity’s activity type | | name of activity’s activity type |
type.displayName | a name used to display the activity’s activity type to the user | | unique identifier of user who performed activity |
activityBy.firstName | first name of user who performed activity |
activityBy.lastName | last name of user who performed activity | | unique identifier of user who activity was performed on |
activityTo.firstName | first name of user activity was performed on |
activityTo.lastName | last name of user activity was performed on | | unique identifier of account the activity was performed on | | name of account the activity was performed on |
account.rowStatus | current status of the account (active, inactive, etc) |
activityAt | date and time the actor performed the activity |
createdAt | date and time the activity was logged |
payload | a unique object (determined by its activity type) |
{ "id": 1580218, "type": { "id": 5, "name": "formCompleted", "displayName": "Form Completed", "ordinal": 40 }, "activityBy": { "id": 1000, "firstName": "Jason", "lastName": "Shehane" }, "activityTo": { "firstName": "", "lastName": "" }, "account": { "id": 1000, "num": "1003", "name": "Brown Paper Ind.", "rowStatus": 1 }, "activityAt": "2015-11-11T20:32:21.990Z", "createdAt": "2015-11-11T20:42:39.250Z", "payload": { ... } }
Payload Objects
Each activity has a similar JSON schema, but a unique payload object that is determined by the entity the activity is performed on. This describes just the payload of a specific activity type.
Asset Payload
Field | Description |
assetId | the unique identifier of the newly created asset |
rowStatus | current status of the asset (active, inactive, etc…) |
id1 | id1 of the newly created asset |
id1Name | displayed name of the asset’s id1 field |
id2 | id2 of the newly created asset |
id2Name | displayed name of the asset’s id2 field |
id2Visible | whether the id2 field has been turned off for this asset type |
location | location of the newly created asset | | class of the newly created asset |
classification.smallImageUrl | url where the class’ icon can be found |
{ "assetId": 9008, "rowStatus": 1, "id1": "IHH9082", "id1Name": "Serial", "id2": "HOOSIER", "id2Name": "Manufacturer", "id2Visible": false, "locationName": "Warehouse 1", "classification": { "id": 162, "name": "Gantry Crane", "smallImageUrl": "http://icon/small.png", "rowStatus": 1 } }
Folder Payload
Field | Description |
folderId | unique identified of the newly created folder |
rowStatus | current status of the folder (open, closed, etc) |
description | description of the newly created folder | | the type of folder that was created |
folderType.color | the hexadecimal value of the folder type’s color |
folderType.folderTypeCategoryName | the name of the category the folder type is in |
{ "folderId": 1089, "folderNum": "D901", "rowStatus": 1, "description": "Check warehouse distribution", "folderType": { "name": "Distribution", "color": "#fff908", "folderTypeCategoryName": "Processing" } }
Form Payload
Field | Description |
id | unique identifier of the completed form |
name | name of completed form |
rowStatus | status of form (active, inactive, etc…) |
folderId | unique identifier of form’s folder |
folderNum | num assigned to form’s folder |
folderTypeName | the type of the form’s folder |
folderTypeColor | the hexadecimal value of the form’s folder type’s color |
{ "id": 109283, "name": "Fire Facility Inspection Checklist", "rowStatus": 1, "folderId": 47862, "folderNum": "FF908", "folderTypeName": "Fire Checks", "folderTypeColor": "00ffff" }
Priority Payload
Field | Description |
answerId | unique identifier of answer the priority was identified on |
question | title of the question the priority was identified on |
resolveNote | note added at time of resolution (if resolved) | | name of priority (High, Medium, Low, etc) |
priority.color | hexadecimal color of identified priority |
priority.colorName | display name of identified priority’s color | | unique identifier of form the priority was identified on | | name of the form the priority was identified on |
form.rowStatus | current status of form (active, inactive, etc…) |
{ "answerId": 9081923, "question": "At what height did the incident occur?", "resolveNote": null, "priority": { "name": "High", "priorityColor": "#C74545", "priorityColorName": "red" }, "form": { "id": 10982, "name": "Periodic Inspection", "rowStatus": 1 } }
Schedule Payload
Field | Description |
folderId | unique identifier of the scheduled folder |
folderNum | num assigned to folder |
folderRowStatus | current status of the folder (open, closed, etc) |
scheduleFrom | date and time the folder was scheduled to start |
scheduleTo | date and time the folder was scheduled to end |
scheduleNote | note on the schedule | | the type of folder that was scheduled |
folderType.color | the hexadecimal value of the folder type’s color |
folderType.folderTypeCategoryName | the name of the category the folder type is in |
{ "folderId": 1089, "folderNum": "D901", "folderRowStatus": 1, "scheduleFrom": "2013-02-08T09:30:26.123", "scheduleTo": "2013-02-08T10:30:26.123", "scheduleNote": "enter through front", "folderType": { "name": "Distribution", "color": "#fff908", "folderTypeCategoryName": "Processing" } }