Answer Object

Field Guide

The following fields are returned when listing answers.

Attribute Description
id unique identifier of answer
guid globally unique identifier of answer
calculatedFromFormula whether the answer uses a formula
createdAt date answer was created (date form was created)
modifiedAt date answer was last updated unique identifier of user who last updated the answer
modifiedBy.firstName first name of user who last updated the answer
modifiedBy.lastName last name of user who last updated the answer
complete whether the answer is complete
resolved whether the answer is resolved
resolvedAt date answer was resolved unique identifier of user who resolved the answer
resolvedBy.firstName first name of user who resolved the answer
resolvedBy.lastName last name of user who resolved the answer
resolveNote note given for answer’s resolution
priorityId unique identifier of answer’s priority
photosCount number of photos on the answer unique identifier of answer’s question
question.title title of answer’s question
question.definition definition on answer’s question name of answer’s question type
question.type.displayName name displayed to users of answer’s question type unique identifier of answer’s question type
payload a unique object (determined by its question type) unique identifier of answer’s form name of answer’s form
form.rowStatus current status of the account (published, unpublished) unique identifier of user who was assigned the answer
assignedTo.firstName first name of user who was assigned the answer
assignedTo.lastName last name of user who was assigned the answer
assetId unique identifier of answer’s form’s asset
folderId unique identifier of answer’s form’s folder
resolveDueAt date answer should be resolved by
formId unique identifier of answer’s form
accountId unique identifier of answer’s form’s account unique identifier of answer’s form’s folder
folder.num id of answer’s form’s folder
folder.typeName name of answer’s form’s folder type
folder.typeColor color of answer’s form’s folder type unique identifier of answer’s form’s asset
asset.id1 id1 assigned to answer’s form’s asset
asset.id2 id2 assigned to answer’s form’s asset name of answer’s form’s acccount
account.num id assigned to answer’s form’s account
usedInLogic whether the question is used to calculate whether another question should be shown/hidden


Each answer has a similar JSON schema, but a unique payload object that is determined by the type of question the answer was given on. This describes just the payload of an answer with a specific question type.

Signature and Sketch require an extra request for the image answer value.


"value": "headlights are painted over."
Field Description
value comment / answer given


"value": 25, 
"uom": "inches", 
"comment": "meets requirements"
Field Description
value answer value of type integer
uom unit of measure given
comment comment given at time of answer


"value": "short text", or "1/1/2014", or "9:00 PM", or "Homer Simpson", 
"comment": "meets requirements"
Field Description
value answer value of 50 chars or less could be date or time
comment comment given at time of answer


"comment": null
Field Description
comment comment given at time of answer


"selections": [   
		"id": 8972,     
		"abbr": null,     
		"value": "Clean of Debri",     
		"color": "aa97bc",     "score": 100,     
		"priorityId": 3   
"comment": null
Field Description
selections[].id unique identifier of question selection
selections[].abbr abbreviation of selection
selections[].value value of selection
selections[].color hexadecimal color of text for selection
selections[].score score designated for selection
selections[].priorityId unique identifier of priority associated with the selection
comment comment given at time of answer


"columns": [
     "header": "Quantity",
     "questionTypeId": 5
     "header": "Description",
     "questionTypeId": 3
 "values": [
   [1, "Hook and Crane"],
   [10, "PPE - Gloves"]
 "comment": null
Field Description
columns[].header header text shown for each column
columns[].questionTypeId type of question each column is
values[] array of each rows values in the table
comment any comments given at time of answer

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