List Answers


You can list all answers or for a particular object using one of the following endpoints:

  • /answers
    • Get a list of all priority answers given in the company.
  • /accounts/{id}/answers
    • Get a list of all priority answers within a specific account.
  • /assets/{id}/answers
    • Get a list of all priority answers for a specific asset.
  • /folders/{id}/answers
    • Get a list of all priority answers in a specific folder.
  • /forms/{id}/answers
    • Get a list of all answers within a specific form.

Get Accounts [GET]

Get a list of all answers given in the company.

Authorization: Admin, Web, Mobile, Portal


  • resolved = oData  (optional) Example: resolved eq true filter the list of answers to only include answer’s resolved.
  • orderBy oData =  (optional) Example: orderby='priorityId desc'Order answers by a specific attribute.
  • includeStatusCount = boolean  (optional) Example: includeStatusCount=true Whether to include the key for the number of resolved versus unresolved answers.
  • priorityIds = list  (optional) Example: priorityIds[]=1 filter the list of answers to only include answer’s with the given priorityIds.
  • assignedToMe = boolean  (optional) Example: assignedToMe=true filter the list of answers to only include answer’s with resolutions assigned to me.
  • unassigned = boolean  (optional) Example: unassigned=true filter the list of answers to only include answer’s with resolutions that are unassigned.
  • resolutionOverdue = boolean  (optional) Example: unassigned=true filter the list of answers to only include answer’s with resolutions assignments that are overdue.

Response 200


      "page": 1,
      "pages": 10,
      "count": 250,
      "items": [
          "id": 89122345,
          "guid": "DA946600-EDBF-11E1-8000-74E1B6B5FF7A",
          "formulaUsed": false,
          "createdAt": "2012-08-24T11:47:21-04:00Z",
          "modifiedAt": "2012-08-24T11:47:21-04:00Z",
          "modifiedBy": {
            "id": 190,
            "firstName": "Homer",
            "lastName": "Simpson"
          "complete": true,
          "resolved": true,
          "resolvedAt": "2012-08-24T11:47:21-04:00Z",
          "resolvedBy": {
            "id": 190,
            "firstName": "Homer",
            "lastName": "Simpson"
          "resolveNote": "action taken",
          "priorityId": 2,
          "photosCount": 2,
          "question": {
            "id": 89270,
            "title": "What is the condition of the workspace?",
            "definition": "Inspect the areas around work thoroughly",
            "type": {
              "name": "singleSelect",
              "displayName": "Single Select",
              "id": 1
          "payload": {//see payloads on object definition//},
          "form": {
            "id": 118011,
            "name": "Daily Inspection Worksheet",
            "rowStatus": 1
          "assignedTo": {
            "id": 190,
            "firstName": "Homer",
            "lastName": "Simpson"
          "assetId": 22738,
          "folderId": 9018,
          "resolveDueAt": "2012-08-24T11:47:21-04:00Z",
          "formId": 118011,
          "accountId": 125190,
          "folder": {
            "id": 9018,
            "num": "QC901",
            "typeName": "Quality Checks",
            "typeColor": "dddddd"
          "asset": {
            "id": 125190,
            "id1": "1902-33331",
            "id2": null
          "account": {
            "name": "Springfield Nuclear Plant",
            "num": "SP109"

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