Classifications Object

Field Guide

The classification resource has the following attributes when request in list: /classifications

Attribute Description
id unique identifier of classification
name name of classification
ordinal order of classification
rowStatus status of classification (active, inactive, etc)
imageUrlSmall small icon used to display classification
allowsAssets whether the classification can contain asset forms and track asset attributes
categoryId unique identifier of the classification’s parent category unique identifier of the classification’s parent category name of the classification’s parent category
category.ordinal order of the classification’s parent category
category.rowStatus status of the classification’s parent category (active, inactive, etc)

The classification resource has the following attributes when request individually: /classifications/{id}

Attribute Description
id unique identifier of classification
name name of classification
ordinal order of classification
rowStatus status of classification (active, inactive, etc)
imageUrlSmall small icon used to display classification
allowsAssets whether the classification can contain asset forms and track asset attributes
id1Name name of what should be entered as the asset’s id1
id1Required whether the asset’s id1 field is required
id2Name name of what should be entered as the asset’s id2
id2Active whether the asset’s id2 field is shown
statusActive whether the asset’s status field is shown
urgentNoteActive whether the asset’s urgent note field is shown
categoryId unique identifier of the classification’s parent category
categoryName name of the classification’s parent category
attributes[] more specific fields to be filled in for the asset
attributes[].id unique identifier of attribute
attributes[].name name of attribute’s field
attributes[].ordinal order of attribute’s field
attributes[].required whether the attribute’s field is required
attributes[].allCaps whether the attribute’s value should display in all capitalized letters
attributes[].questionType the type of question being asked for the attribute
attributes[] unique identifier of type of question being asked for the attribute
attributes[] name of type of question being asked for the attribute
attributes[].payload a unique object (determined by the attribute’s question type)

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