List Classifications


Get a list of classifications.

Get Classifications [GET]

Authorization: Admin, Web, Mobile


  • includeAssetsCount - boolean (optional) Default: false Example:includeAssetsCount=true
    Count of assets with the given classification.
  • includeFormsCount - boolean (optional) Default: false Example:includeFormsCount=true
    Count of form templates within the given classification
  • includeAttributesCount - boolean (optional) Default: false Example:includeAttributesCount=true
    Count of attributes setup within the given classification.
  • allowsAssets - odata (optional) Example:?filter=allowsAssets eq true
    returns only classifications where allowsAssets matches the given field
  • filterByAssets - boolean (optional) Default: false Example:filterByAssets=true
    allows any oData params to be passed on to the assets list for filtering

Response 200

  "page": 1,
  "pages": 1,
  "count": 98,
  "items": [
      "id": 152,
      "name": "Powered Industrial Trucks",
      "ordinal": 3,
      "rowStatus": 1,
      "imageUrlSmall": "https://archive.inspectall.../Small",
      "allowsAssets": true,
      "categoryId": 18,
      "category": {
        "id": 18,
        "name": "Equipment",
        "ordinal": 5,
        "rowStatus": 1

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