Company Object

Field Guide

The following fields are returned when getting the current users company.

Attribute Description
id unique identifier of company
name name of company
createdAt the date and time the company was created
restrictAccountCreation whether web and mobile users can add accounts
restrictAllUsers whether web and mobile users can add accounts to the “All Users” team
syncWindowDaysAfter the number of days from today that the mobile user will have folder’s synced to their mobile device.
syncWindowDaysBefore the number of days before today that the mobile user will have folder’s synced to their mobile device.
logoUrl location of company’s logo
rowStatus the status of the company (active, inactive, etc)
modifiedAt date and time the company’s fields were last modified
brandingName name to be displayed at the top right of every report
brandingAddress street address to be displayed at the top right of every report
brandingCity city to be displayed at the top right of every report
brandingState state to be displayed at the top right of every report
brandingZip zip to be displayed at the top right of every report
brandingCountry country to be displayed at the top right of every report
brandingPhone phone number to be displayed at the top right of every report
brandingFooter text to be displayed at the bottom of every report
usersCount the number of users the company has
userLicenses the number of user licenses the company has purchased
portalUsersCount the number of portal users the company has
portalLicenses the number of portal licenses the company has purchased
customBilling whether the company is on a custom billing plan

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