Folder Type Object

Field Guide

The folder type object has the following attributes when listed:

Attribute Description
id unique identifier of folder type
name name of folder type
rowStatus status of folder type (active, inactive, etc)
color hexadecimal color of folder type
folderTypeCategoryId id of the category the folder type belongs to

A single folder type get has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
id unique identifier of folder type
name name of folder type
color hexadecimal color of folder type
rowStatus status of folder type (active, inactive, etc)
idPrefix prefix used for all new folder ids of the folder type
idCounter number where counter starts on all new folder ids of the folder type
coverHeaderPresent whether there is a cover header image already uploaded
coverFooterPresent whether there is a cover footer image already uploaded
formsHeaderPresent whether there is a header image for forms already uploaded
folderTypeCategoryId id of category of folder type
defaultReportId id of the default folder report
defaultFormTemplateIds list of ids of forms that will automatically be added to any new folder of this folder type
teamIds list of ids of teams that has permissions to this folder type
coverHidden whether the cover page is hidden on the folder type’s report
coverContent html content displayed on cover page of folder type’s report
tableOfContentsHidden whether the table of contents page is hidden on the folder type’s report
formIncompleteHidden whether incomplete forms are hidden on the folder type’s report
formPrioritySummaryHidden whether a summary of priorities found on the form is hidden on the folder type’s report
formScoreSummaryHidden whether a summary of scores on the form is hidden on the folder type’s report
formPageBreakBetweenForms whether to page break between forms on the folder type’s report
questionIfPriorityIsLessThanHidden hide priorities on the forms that are less than value given on the folder type’s report
customReport whether the folder type has a customly designed report (created by InspectAll)

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