List Folder Types


Get a list of folder types.

Get Folder Types [GET]

Authorization: Admin, Web, Mobile, Portal


  • includeFoldersCount boolean (optional) Default: false Example: includeFoldersCount=true

    Include the key for the count of folders of this folder type

  • includeTeamsCount boolean (optional) Default: false Example: includeTeamsCount=true

    Include the key for the count of teams with permissions to this folder type

  • includeFolderTypeCategory boolean (optional) Default: false Example: includeFolderTypeCategory=true

    Include the folder type’s category including name, id, and rowStatus

Response 200

  "items": [
      "id": 17,
      "name": "Assessments",
      "rowStatus": 1,
      "color": "5789ff",
      "folderTypeCategoryId": 17

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