List Folders


Get a list of folders within the user’s assigned accounts on their teams.

Get Folders [GET]

Authorization: Admin, Web, Mobile, Portal


  • includeFormsCount boolean  (optional) Default: false Example:  includeFormsCount=true

    Whether to include the key for the number of forms within a folder.

  • includeFormsCompletedCount boolean  (optional) Default: false Example:  includeFormsCompletedCount=true

    Whether to include the key for the number of forms completed within a folder.

  • includeStatusCount boolean  (optional) Default: false Example:  includeStatusCount=true

    Whether to include the key for the number of folders within each status within the meta-data (Open and Closed).

  • schedulePeriod string  (optional) Example:  schedulePeriod=last_week

    only show folders that have a schedule within the given period.

  • scheduledToMe boolean  (optional) Example:  scheduledToMe=true

    only show folders that are scheduled to me.

  • orderBy odata  (optional) Example:  orderBy eq newest

    order the list of forms by the given value.

  • accountId odata  (optional) Example:  accountId eq 18293

    only show folders in the given account.

  • closed odata  (optional) Example:  closed eq true

    only show folders with the given closed value.

  • num odata  (optional) Example:  num eq IN1234

    only show folders matching the given folder id.

  • description odata  (optional) Example:  description eq plant floor

    only show folders matching the given folder description.

  • createdFrom odata  (optional) Example:  createdFrom eq 2014-08-02T04%3A00%3A00Z

    only show folders created after the given date.

  • createdTo odata  (optional) Example:  createdTo eq 2014-08-02T04%3A00%3A00Z

    only show folders created before the given date.

Response 200



"page": 1,

"pages": 4,

"count": 190,

"items": [


"id": 38972,

"num": "IN1001",

"description": "Evaluate the manufacturing floor",

"folderType": {

"id": 908,

"name": "Assessments",

"color": "f5c908",

"rowStatus": 1


"createdAt": "2015-08-08T08:30:00Z",

"createdBy": {

"id": 8977,

"firstName": "Homer",

"lastName": "Simpson"


"closed": true,

"closedBy": {

"id": 8977,

"firstName": "Homer",

"lastName": "Simpson"


"account": {

"id": 19882,

"num": "SNP190",

"name": "Springfield Nuclear Plant"


"location": {

"id": 10882,

"name": "Main Floor"


"locationId": 10882,

"folderTypeId": 908,

"modifiedAt": "2015-08-08T08:30:00Z",

"reference1Value": "Net 30",

"reference2Value": "Mark Hamil",

"reference3Value": null




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