Create Folder


Create Folder [POST]

Create a new folder.

Authorization: Admin, Web, Mobile


  "num": null,
  "description": "Facility Checks",
  "folderTypeId": 230,
  "accountId": 1001,
  "locationId": 108,
  "schedules": [
      "userId": 2228,
      "scheduleFrom": "2015-08-08T08:30:00Z",
      "scheduleTo": "2015-08-08T09:30:00Z",
      "note": "show ID at entrance"

  //--optional payload include for creating a series--
     "repeat": 2,
     "repeatEvery": 5, 
     "repeatBy": 1,  // optionally include 0/1 for DoW/DoM on monthly
     "startDate": '2016-01-01',
     "endDate": '2016-02-05',
     "description": "",
     "userIds": [1000,1001],
     "scheduledFor": 1

Series Attributes

Attribute Type Description
bool including true here ignores the 'schedules' payload and lets the API know to validate the series attributes sent in the request
int corresponds to the Frequency object (Daily = 1, Weekly = 2, Monthly = 3)
int repeat every X days/weeks/months (1-30)
int when "Monthly" frequency chosen 0 means repeat by day of the month (for example the 2nd of every month), 1 means repeat by day of week (for example every 2nd Wednesday of every month)
startDate datetime The first day of the series
endDate datetime The date that the series ends by (not necessarily ends on)
description string The description will be placed on each folder in the series
userIds array[int] The userIds that the series schedules should be scheduled to.
int The number of days the schedules duration should be.  For example schedule monthly for 6 months with each schedules duration being 2 days

Response 200

      "item": {
        "id": 32988,
        "num": FC908,
        "description": "Facility Checks",
        "folderType": {
          "id" :230,
          "name": "Quotes",
          "color": "9ff79f",
          "rowStatus": 1
        "createdAt": "2015-08-08T08:30:00Z",
        "createdBy": {
          "id": 1000,
          "firstName": "Homer",
          "lastName": "Simpson"
        "closed": false,
        "closedAt": null,
        "closedBy": null,
        "account": {
          "id": 6293,
          "name": "Alpha and Omega",
          "accountNum": "AX89174"
        "location": {
          "id": 108,
          "name": "1st Branch"
        "schedules": [
            "userId": 2228,
            "scheduleFrom": "2015-08-08T08:30:00Z",
            "scheduleTo": "2015-08-08T09:30:00Z",
            "note": "show ID at entrance"

Response 422

      "errors": {
        "folderTypeId": [
          "Folder Type is required."
        "accountId": [
          "Account is required."
      "errors": {
        "schedules[0].userId": [
          "User is required."
        "schedules[0].scheduleFrom": [
          "Start time is required."

      "errors": {
        "schedules[0].scheduleFrom": [
          "Must be on or before 8/19/2015."

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