Update Folder


Update Folder Type [PUT]

Update an existing folder.

To issue updates to existing schedules on the folder, include the id within the schedule in the  schedules array. To issue deletes of existing schedules on the folder, remove the schedule from the schedules array. To create new schedules on the folder, add the schedule to the schedules array with no id key.

Authorization: Admin, Web, Mobile


  "id": 32988,
  "num": "IN1099",
  "description": "Facility Checks",
  "folderTypeId": 230,
  "closed": true,
  "locationId": 480,
  "schedules": [
      "id": 90812,
      "userId": 2228,
      "scheduleFrom": "2015-07-08T08:30:00Z",
      "scheduleTo": "2015-07-09T09:30:00Z",
      "note": null
      "userId": 2228,
      "scheduleFrom": "2015-08-08T08:30:00Z",
      "scheduleTo": "2015-08-09T09:30:00Z",
      "note": "show ID at entrance"

Response 200

  "item": {
    "id": 32988,
    "num": FC908,
    "description": "Facility Checks",
    "folderType": {
      "id" :230,
      "name": "Quotes",
      "color": "9ff79f",
      "rowStatus": 1
    "createdAt": "2015-08-08T08:30:00Z",
    "createdBy": {
      "id": 1000,
      "firstName": "Homer",
      "lastName": "Simpson"
    "closed": true,
    "closedAt": "2015-08-08T08:30:00Z",
    "closedBy": {
      "id": 1000,
      "firstName": "Homer",
      "lastName": "Simpson"
    "account": {
      "id": 6293,
      "name": "Alpha and Omega",
      "num": "AX89174",
      "address": "123 Elm Street NE",
      "city": "Springfield",
      "state": "IL",
      "zip": "80982",
      "country": "US"
    "location": {
      "id": 108,
      "name": "1st Branch"
    "schedules": [
        "id": 90812,
        "userId": 2228,
        "scheduleFrom": "2015-07-08T08:30:00Z",
        "scheduleTo": "2015-07-09T09:30:00Z",
        "note": null
        "id": 90980,
        "userId": 2228,
        "scheduleFrom": "2015-08-08T08:30:00Z",
        "scheduleTo": "2015-08-09T09:30:00Z",
        "note": "show ID at entrance"
    "locationId": 108,
    "folderTypeId": 230,
    "modifiedAt": "2015-08-08T08:30:00Z"

Response 422

      "errors": {
        "schedules[0].userId": [
          "User is required."
        "schedules[0].scheduleFrom": [
          "Start time is required."


      "errors": {
        "schedules[0].scheduleFrom": [
          "Must be on or before 8/19/2015."

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