Update Form


Patch Form [Patch]

Update an existing form template.  A 412 precondition failed is sent back if a form is attempted to be marked "Complete" while required questions have not been answered on the form.

Authorization: Admin, Web, Mobile


 "rowStatus": 1,
 "complete": true,
 "note": "New inspection",
 "locationId": 893,
 "areaId": "50DD24B0-1FA2-11E3-8000-020000000000",
 "folderId": "90382",
 "reference1": "my custom text 1",
 "reference2": "my custom text 2",
 "reference3": "my custom text 3"

Response 412

  "requiredAnswersCount": 7

Response 200

	"item": {
		"id": 718908,
		"rowStatus": 1,
		"instructions": null,
		"accountId": 1016,
		"completed": false,
		"completedAt": null,
		"createdAt": "2016-02-02T14:33:31.590Z",
		"completedBy": null,
		"createdBy": {
			"id": 1000,
			"firstName": "Jason",
			"lastName": "Shehane"
		"formTemplate": {
			"id": 1071,
			"name": "Program Audit"
		"asset": null,
		"classification": {
			"id": 705,
			"name": "LOTO - Energy Control",
			"rowStatus": 1,
			"imageUrlSmall": "https://archive.inspectall.com/images/class/705/Small"
		"folder": {
			"id": 120708,
			"folderTypeName": "Inspection",
			"folderTypeColor": "589d46",
			"num": "IN1155"
		"note": "Test",
		"locationId": null,
		"areaId": null,
		"formTemplateId": 1071,
		"assetId": null,
		"requiresAsset": false,
                "reference1": "my custom text 1",
                "reference2": "my custom text 2",
                "reference3": "my custom text 3"

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