Copy Form
Copy Form [POST]
Copy an existing form. Depending on the request sent, the new forms can be copied to new assets, copied to the form’s existing asset, or copied with no asset.
Authorization: Admin, Web, Mobile
As the forms are being created, the server will send back pusher notifications for the progress of the created forms.
This table describes the pusher channel, event name (which matches the response body JSON above), and the data object that will be sent. The data object tells you the latest form that was created, the current number of created forms, and the total overall number of forms to be created. From this, you can indicate a progress bar.
Channel: private-user-{userId}
Event Name: Form{formId}Copy
Data Object:
{ status: 200, formId: 4564, created: 5, total: 7 }
Body{ "id": 189273, "assetCopies": 4, "assetId1Prefix": "SLI-", "assetId1Serial": "001", "assetId1Suffix": "-ACME" } or... { "id": 189273, "formCopies": 7, "assetId": "9082" } or for non-asset forms: { "id": 189273, "formCopies": 7 }
Response 200
{ "eventName": "Form{formId}Copy" }