Question Object

Field Guide

A list of questions. Each question has a similar JSON schema, but a unique payload object that is determined by the type of question the answer was given on. This describes just the payload of an answer with a specific question type.

Signature and Sketch require an extra request for the image answer value.  The following is a list of payload types.

question type payload type
paragraphText paragraph
number measurement
shortText, date, time, signature value
singleSelect, multiSelect selection
sketch sketch
table table


"default": "area cleared"
Field Description
default answer used for auto completing the question


"default": 5,
"uoms": [
    "id": 90821,
    "name": "Inch"
"min": {
  "value": 0,
  "priorityId": 3
"max": {
  "value": 25,
  "priorityId": 3
Field Description
default answer used for auto completing the question unique identifier of a unit of measure name of a unit of measure
min.value minimum number that value can be before priority is triggered
min.priorityId unique identifier of priority to be triggered when min value is passed
max.value maximum number that value can be before priority is triggered
max.priorityId unique identifier of priority to be triggered when max value is passed


"default": "10:00 AM"
Field Description
value answer value of 50 chars or less could be date or time
comment comment given at time of answer


"comment": null
Field Description
comment comment given at time of answer


"defaultSelectionId": 8908,
"selections": [
    "id": 8972,
    "abbr": null,
    "value": "Clean of Debri",
    "color": "aa97bc",
    "score": 100,
    "priorityId": 3
Field Description
defaultSelectionId unique identifier of selectino to be selected on auto complete of the form
selections[].id unique identifier of question selection
selections[].abbr abbreviation of selection
selections[].value value of selection
selections[].color hexadecimal color of text for selection
selections[].score score designated for selection
selections[].priorityId unique identifier of priority associated with the selection


"columns": [
    "header": "Quantity",
    "questionTypeId": 5
    "header": "Description",
    "questionTypeId": 3
Field Description
columns[].header header text shown for each column
columns[].questionTypeId type of question each column is


The question resource has the following attributes.

Attribute Description
id unique identifier of question
title the title of question
definition supplementary definition of question
required whether the question is required
usedInFormula whether the question’s answer is used to calculate another question’s formula
hasAnswerLogic whether the question is used in another question’s show/hide logic unique identifier of question’s type name of question’s type
type.displayName name displayed to users of question’s type unique identifier of question’s heading name of question’s heading
payload a unique object (determined by its question type)
referenceQuestions additional questions optionally displayed on each question unique identifier of reference question
referenceQuestions.title title of reference question
referenceQuestions.resolution whether the reference question should be shown with resolution unique identifier of reference question’s type name of reference question’s type
referenceQuestions.type.displayName name displayed to users of reference question’s type
cannedCommentsCount number of canned comments available on the question
resourcesCount number of resources available on the question
questionFilesCount number of files available on the question

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