List Users


Get a list of users. Web authorized users will see a list of users within their assigned teams. Admin authorized users will see a list of all users.  User can also be listed by team at the following endpoint:


Get Users [GET]

Authorization: Admin, Web, Mobile


  • includeTeamsCount -  boolean(optional) Default: false Example: includeTeamsCount=true
    Count of teams the user is assigned to
  • firstName -  oData(optional)
    Filters users to only include firstNames that include the given string
  • lastName -  oData(optional)
    Filters users to only include lastNames that include string
  • userName -  oData(optional)
    Filters users to only include userNames that include string
  • roleIds -  oData(optional)
    Filters users to only include users with the given roles
  • rowStatus -  oData(optional) Example: rowStatus eq 1
    Filters users to only include users with the given rowStatus (active / inactive)

Response 200

  "page": 1,
  "pages": 1,
  "count": 3,
  "items": [
      "id": 1098,
      "firstName": "Homer",
      "lastName": "Simpson",
      "userName": "",
      "createdAt": "2011-13-02T06:45:54-04:00",
      "createdBy": "9820",
      "modifiedAt": "2011-11-03T06:45:54-04:00",
      "rowStatus": 1,
      "timeZoneId": 4,
      "lastMobileSyncAt": "2011-12-05T06:45:54-04:00",
      "lastWebSyncAt": "2011-11-05T06:45:54-04:00",
      "roleIds": [

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